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Care Actions In Gifted Equines

What Is A Care Action?

Care Actions are central to the rehabilitation process of any equine. A Care Action in Gifted Equines is defined as ‘any action taken to progress an equine towards its rehabilitation goal’. Care Actions can be anything from routine vaccinations, assessments and training to emergency care, wormers, or dietary changes. 

Who Uses Care Actions?

Care Actions are central to the work of staff that deal with equines on a daily basis. Gifted provides an elegant solution to the nuance and unpredictability of equine care with Task Functionality. Tasks cover a whole host of different areas within Gifted Equines, but are most prominently used for Care Actions.

How Are They Taken Care Of?

The calendar views of tasks allow teams to be dynamic in their work - assigning, reassigning, repeating, rescheduling and completing tasks all in one place. Completing tasks prompts users to fill out the key information about what they have just done, which automatically updates the system and the equine in questions’ record. Users can also be notified when tasks are assigned to them and managers when they are completed.

What Else Can Tasks Do?

Tasks can do all sorts of things within Gifted. One of the most useful features of tasks are the team capabilities. Teams can be set up to distinguish between different working groups in your organisation. You can assign tasks to teams and/or team members so that those tasks only appear on the calendar for that team.

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Gifted Equines

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